Game Guide

Blade Warrior

Blade Warriors, are human warriors who have mastered the use of swords and shields. They focus most of their abilities to improve their overall survivability, sacrificing some mobility and damage.


Physical Skills

Name Skill Icon Finisher Required Stats Required Skills
Vertical Swing Vertical Swing No    
Prod Prod No

76 STR

55 DEX

Vertical Swing Level 20+
Splash Splash Yes

104 STR

59 DEX

49 Magic

Prod Level 25+
Triple Swing Triple Swing No

132 STR

78 DEX

Prod Level 25+
Sword Combination Sword Combination No

173 STR

99 DEX

Splash Level 30+
Concentration Concentration Yes

204 STR

114 DEX

60 Magic

Sword Combination Level 40+
Absolute Absolute Yes

238 STR

133 DEX

133 Magic

Triple Swing Level 50+
Buster Move Buster Move No

267 STR

145 DEX

Splash Level 50+
Blade Dash Blade Dash Yes

298 STR

162 DEX

70 Magic

Buster Move Level 50+
Dragonfly Dragonfly Yes

323 STR

172 DEX

72 Magic

Vertical Swing Level 70+


Triple Swing Level 60+


Splash Level 65+

Front Splash Front Splash No

349 STR

189 DEX

70 Magic

Absolute Level 70+
Butterfly Butterfly Yes

379 STR

201 DEX

83 Magic

Dragonfly Level 70+
Combo Splash Combo Splash No

416 STR

207 DEX

Blade Dash Level 75+
Blade Combination Blade Combination No

432 STR

231 DEX

Front Splash Level 75+


Concentration Level 70+


Blade Dash Level 80+

Bloody Splash Bloody Splash Yes

473 STR

226 DEX

90 Magic

Combo Splash

Level 80+
Gushfly Gushfly Yes

462 STR

269 DEX

91 Magic

Blade Dash Level 80+


Butterfly Level 80+


Apprentice Skills

Name Skill Icon Is Passive? Description
Lightning Soul Lightning Soul Skill No Launches lightning at an enemy, inflicting damage to them, and any other enemies near them.
Crashing Sword Crashing Sword Skill No While active, this skill increases your Hit Rate, and Dodge Rate, by a percentage.
Guardian Shield Guardian Shield Skill No While active, this skill increases your Block Rate


Master Skills

  • You must complete the "Master of Skills!" quest and be level 100+ to unlock your Master Skills.
  • Master Skills are learned by purchasing Skill Books for each Master Skill for gems from the NPC named Dia.
Name Skill Icon Is Passive? Description
Blast Blade Blast Blade No Slams the ground with your sword, generating an area where the swords energy inflicts damage over time to enemies within the radius of the blast.
Soul Blade Soul Blade No Focuses the user's energy into their sword and then throws at a single target for a large amount of damage.
Endure Endure Yes Increases the user's total maximum health.
Might Might Yes Increases the user's physical attack power.
Guardian Protection Guardian Protection Yes Increases the user's magical defense.


Transformation Skills

  • You must complete the "Transcendence" quest and be level 161+ to unlock your Transformation Skills.
  • Transformation Skills are learned by purchasing Skill Books for each Transformation Skill for gems from the NPC named Pia (in Delphiroth Floor 2).
  • Transformation Skills can only be used while the user is transformed, by using the Transformation skill.
Name Skill Icon Is Passive? Description
Transformation Transformation No Transforms the user into a new form, during which Transformation Skills can be used. Transforming will also temporarily increase your maximum health.
Ultra Endure Ultra Endure No Temporarily increases the user's maximum health.
Absolute Defense Absolute Defense No Temporarily blocks any physical attacks from hitting the user.
Battle Cry Battle Cry No Temporarily reduces the attack power of nearby enemy players at the time of use.
Shield Exchange Shield Exchange Skill No While active, this skill causes any damage you deal to have a chance to be increased by a percentage. However, your Block Rate and Magic Defense is reduced by a percentage.
  • PvP Rankings

Player Rankings

Rank Name PK Points
1 Aryax - Death 2435
2 Vaeril - Renegade 1029
3 THE_GOAT - 832
4 Ralo - Nirvana 800
5 Exrteme - Death 674
7 Crypton - Potato_Sneck 609
8 Sniper_ - Death 504
9 StarGazer - Death 471
10 DF_Express - Death 420
11 YesmaD - EmTeeVeeTamer 336
12 C8763 - 256
13 NYYRIKKI - Not_A_Date 237
14 Hilgario - CONFIRM20 232
16 Ready2Rich - 218
17 VilIain - Multiverse 201
19 KingBee - Nirvana 170
20 DarKnight - 162
21 THE_MongoliaN - 160
22 Blade_Koi - Nirvana 148
23 Gigi_Ravelli - CONFIRM20 140
24 WASaDATE - 127
25 GOME - Zero 125
26 ArreBol - 113
27 VANISH - Alphabet 111
28 Ashes2Dust - 110
29 THE_AinZ - CONFIRM20 108
30 xtrackt - 911 104
31 Combustubi - Potato_Sneck 99
32 wwvvvwwv - Potato_Sneck 93
33 CONFIRM - 90
34 Ohhsnaps - 86
35 Reine - CONFIRM20 84
36 Replica - Nirvana 78
37 Nefertari - Death 77
38 Warny - Death 75
39 Theron - CONFIRM20 72
40 Saile - CONFIRM20 69
41 LevelYouForLeni - NoFame 59
42 Morrigan - 56
43 Mazino - 49
44 Windows_XP - Death 44
45 NO_0 - 42
46 Kenobi - Gods_of_Arena 40
47 VWVWVWWW - 37
48 Rowan - WTF 30
49 SwordsRedMage - 911 29
50 Emiko - Alphabet 28

Tribe Rankings

Rank Name PK Points
1 Death 4715
2 CONFIRM20 1404
3 Nirvana 1213
4 Renegade 1039
5 Potato_Sneck 884
6 Not_A_Date 357
7 EmTeeVeeTamer 336
9 Multiverse 201
10 GC 192
1 Zero 22433
2 Sunguard 16358
3 Death 13739
4 Renegade 6701
5 TheCrazyWitch 6682
6 Dead_END 4738
7 ReNaiSsanCe 4083
8 100fanta99success 3953
9 _shard_ 3719
10 VETERAN 3424
1 Zero 22558
2 Death 18454
3 Sunguard 16375
4 Renegade 7740
5 TheCrazyWitch 6682
6 Dead_END 4738
7 ReNaiSsanCe 4083
8 100fanta99success 3953
9 _shard_ 3719
10 VETERAN 3461