Game Guide


You can communicate with other players by using the Chat Window (toggled by pressing C). There are a variety of different Chat Modes that can be used for different situations and/or needs. To send messages follow the following general steps:

  1. Select your chat channel by clicking the Text on the bottom left of your Chat Window and selecting from the list of chat modes.
  2. Press Enter/Return.
  3. Type your message.
  4. Press Enter/Return again to send your message.


Chat Modes

Turf Battles has a variety of different chat modes that can be used to communicate with other users in different ways.

  1. Talk Chat Mode
    • This is a public chat mode that allows you to talk to people around you, people that are within your view distance. Players who are not within your view distance will not see your messages.
    • Appears in light blue text in your chat window.
    • Can be automatically selected by adding a ~ in front of your message in chat.
    • Does not work across game channels.
  2. Shout Chat Mode
    • This is a public chat mode that allows you to talk to people around you, people that are within your view distance or just a bit beyond your view distance.
    • Only players within your view distance and a bit beyond your view distance will see these messages.
    • Appears in light green text in your chat window.
    • Can be automatically selected by adding a "!" in front of your message in chat.
    • Does not work across game channels.
  3. Whisper Chat Mode
    • This is a private chat mode that allows you to communicate directly with another player. Only the other player will receive these messages.
    • Requires you know the name (case sensitive) of the other player.
    • Appears in light yellow in your chat window.
    • You can press the "." on your keyboard to trigger an immediate reply to someone who has whispered you.
    • Can be automatically selected by adding a "@" followed by a space a
    • Works across game channels.
  4. Party Chat Mode
    • This chat mode is only available while you are in a Party. Messages will broadcast to all players in your party while in this chat mode.
    • Appears in white text in your chat window.
    • Can be automatically selected by adding "#" in front of your message in chat.
    • Does not work across game channels.
  5. Shell 1 and 2 Chat Modes
    • This is a global chat channel. All messages you send using this chat mode will be sent to everyone else that is currently in the same Shell Chat Channel.
    • The Shell Chat Channel can be changed by clicking the TAB key to open your inventory/equipment window and then right clicking your equipped Shells and selecting one of the options.
    • Appears in dark peach text in your chat window.
    • Works across game channels.
  6. Tribe Chat Mode
    • This is a tribe restricted chat channel. All messages you send using this chat mode will ONLY be sent to your fellow tribe members.
    • Appears in cyan text in your chat window.
    • Can be automatically selected by adding a "*" in front of your message in chat.
    • Works across game channels.
  7. Tribe Alliance Chat Mode
    • This is a tribe alliance restricted chat channel. All messages you send using this chat mode will ONLY be sent to your fellow tribe members and tribe alliance members.
    • Appears in sky blue text in your chat window.
    • Can be automatically selected by adding a "|" in front of your message in chat.
    • Works across game channels.


Blocking & UnBlocking Users

Sometimes, you might need to block yourself from seeing messages from other users. When you block a player, you block their character as well as any character they login to with the same ip address. This can easily be accomplished with one of two methods:

  1. Right click the users name in the Chat Box, a Block command will be automatically put into your chat input. Simply hit enter, and the user will now be blocked.
  2. In the Friends List (press B), right click the "Blocked Group" and click "Add Friend". Finally, enter the user's name, and the user will now be blocked.

You can un-block users via one of the following methods:

  1. Type /UnBlock PlayerName in chat, where PlayerName is the name of the user you wish to unblock.
  2. Delete the user from your "Blocked Group" in your Friends List (press B). This can be accomplished by simply right clicking the user's name and click "Delete Friend".


 Special Chat Functions

  • When one player kills another player, it will be announced in the PVP Channel. You automatically receive these messages unless you disable it in the games Chat Settings.
  • Messages that appear in dark orange text are from Moderators, these are special players that are there to answer your questions about the game.
  • Messages that appear in blue text are from Admins/GM's.
  • PvP Rankings

Player Rankings

Rank Name PK Points
1 Aryax - Death 2435
2 Vaeril - Renegade 1029
3 THE_GOAT - 832
4 Ralo - Nirvana 800
5 Exrteme - Death 674
7 Crypton - Potato_Sneck 609
8 Sniper_ - Death 504
9 StarGazer - Death 471
10 DF_Express - Death 420
11 YesmaD - EmTeeVeeTamer 336
12 C8763 - 256
13 NYYRIKKI - Not_A_Date 237
14 Hilgario - CONFIRM20 232
16 Ready2Rich - 218
17 VilIain - Multiverse 201
19 KingBee - Nirvana 170
20 DarKnight - 162
21 THE_MongoliaN - 160
22 Blade_Koi - Nirvana 148
23 Gigi_Ravelli - CONFIRM20 140
24 WASaDATE - 127
25 GOME - Zero 125
26 ArreBol - 113
27 VANISH - Alphabet 111
28 Ashes2Dust - 110
29 THE_AinZ - CONFIRM20 108
30 xtrackt - 911 104
31 Combustubi - Potato_Sneck 99
32 wwvvvwwv - Potato_Sneck 93
33 CONFIRM - 90
34 Ohhsnaps - 86
35 Reine - CONFIRM20 84
36 Replica - Nirvana 78
37 Nefertari - Death 77
38 Warny - Death 75
39 Theron - CONFIRM20 72
40 Saile - CONFIRM20 69
41 LevelYouForLeni - NoFame 59
42 Morrigan - 56
43 Mazino - 49
44 Windows_XP - Death 44
45 NO_0 - 42
46 Kenobi - Gods_of_Arena 40
47 VWVWVWWW - 37
48 Rowan - WTF 30
49 SwordsRedMage - 911 29
50 Emiko - Alphabet 28

Tribe Rankings

Rank Name PK Points
1 Death 4715
2 CONFIRM20 1404
3 Nirvana 1213
4 Renegade 1039
5 Potato_Sneck 884
6 Not_A_Date 357
7 EmTeeVeeTamer 336
9 Multiverse 201
10 GC 192
1 Zero 22433
2 Sunguard 16358
3 Death 13736
4 Renegade 6704
5 TheCrazyWitch 6682
6 Dead_END 4738
7 ReNaiSsanCe 4079
8 100fanta99success 3953
9 _shard_ 3719
10 VETERAN 3423
1 Zero 22558
2 Death 18451
3 Sunguard 16375
4 Renegade 7743
5 TheCrazyWitch 6682
6 Dead_END 4738
7 ReNaiSsanCe 4079
8 100fanta99success 3953
9 _shard_ 3719
10 VETERAN 3460